Mission Festival – Presenter Resources

Thank you for volunteering to represent WELS Home, World, and Joint Missions as a Missions speaker! Please review the Missions Presenter Guidelines to assist you in your preparation.

Feel free to download and edit any of the PowerPoints provided to fit your specific presentation/area of ministry. Please add the "Template PowerPoint Slides for Missions Speakers” to the end of your presentation to bring attention to the many ways members can stay connected with WELS mission work. Notes are included to help you speak directly to the various slides and incorporate them into your presentation.

For questions or additional resources for your presentation, contact [email protected].

Downloadable resources

Missions Presenter GuidelinesDownload
Missions Presenter Guidelines – World MissionariesDownload
Mission Festival Planning Information (sent to hosting churches)Download
Enterprise Rental Car - Mileage Calculator Download
Interest sign-up sheet - Mission speaker eventsDownload
Template PowerPoint Slides for Missions SpeakersDownload
PowerPoints - WELS World MissionsDownload
PowerPoints - WELS Home MissionsDownload
PowerPoints - WELS Joint MissionsDownload
Photos - WELS Missions Flickr siteDownload
Mileage LogDownload
Payment Requisition Form - Missions Speaker eventsDownload
  • 285.20 KB File Size
  • 12 File Count
  • January 14, 2025 Last Updated