Mission Festival – Presenter Resources

Thank you for volunteering to represent WELS Home, World, and Joint Missions as a Missions speaker! Please review the Missions Presenter Guidelines to assist you in your preparation.

Feel free to download and edit any of the PowerPoints provided to fit your specific presentation/area of ministry. Please add the “Template PowerPoint Slides for Missions Speakers” to the end of your presentation to bring attention to the many ways members can stay connected with WELS mission work. Notes are included to help you speak directly to the various slides and incorporate them into your presentation.

For questions or additional resources for your presentation, contact [email protected].

Home, World, and Joint Missions Projects Booklet

Download and view the 2024-2025 Home, World, and Joint Missions Projects Booklet, prepared by the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS) and the WELS Missions Office.

“Grace—Hmong outreach in Vietnam” Resources

Download resources to use in promoting the Hmong outreach in Vietnam.

Mission Journeys Resources

Download free print resources you can use to promote Mission Journeys within your church, school, or organization. For more information on the program, visit wels.net/missionjourneys.

School Resources

Hey teachers! Here are some Missions resources you can use at your school. View the LWMS Project Booklet to pick your school’s quarterly mission project. Utilize LWMS Kid’s c.a.r.e lesson plans. Plan a Cultural Fair for your students using the resources provided. Learn about new ways to get your students interested in and involved in WELS mission work.